Monday, May 4, 2015


Throughout this project there has been a lot of sources of inspiration that has appeared throughout the days I have worked on this project. While heading to Starbucks the color green has brought its attention to my life because the color green is mainly used throughout the Starbucks logos. The Starbucks logo of the queen that uses the colors green and white has jumped out at me as well and impacted my life to understand the color green better.

The design inspiration that has impacted my life has been the pink layout template. I think using the color pink brings attention to the viewers eyes and makes people interested in my blog. I love the design logo used for the Starbucks symbol because it represents a queen and makes you feel like you are a queen when drinking Starbucks drinks.

For the typography, I decided to stay with the Times font because it is a basic font that gets the viewers attention but isn't too dramatic. I wanted to go with a basic look for my blog and that is exactly what I did.  The font at Starbucks is a simple font and has made me realize to use simple fonts for the improvement of my blog.

Photocredit: Renee Rosenblum
Regular Hot Tea at Starbucks #tea #starbucks

Hello Starbucks lovers! Today I decided to try regular tea at Starbucks. I usually drink the refreshers at Starbucks but today I wanted to try something new. I have never been a tea girl but trying regular tea was actually really good. The first sip was amazing and there was no after taste. I recommend Starbucks regular hot tea.


First Sip: 8
Sweetness: 0
After Taste: 10
Regular Coffee at Starbucks #coffee #starbucks

When drinking coffee I usually drink iced coffee, due to the fact that the ice cubes water the coffee down and the coffee taste is barely there. Today I decided to try and drink hot coffee for the first time and see what it was like. The first sip made me realize that I love coffee hot and will be drinking hot coffee from now on. Just like any other coffee, there is an after taste but I recommend hot coffee to all the coffee lovers out there!


First Sip: 3
Sweetness: 0
Aftertaste: 0